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Sharpening 101 With Japanese Waterstones


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Tags: how to,sharpening hunting knife,bushcraft knife,survival knife,amazing,must see,best,greatest,awesome

Video Transcription


hey so this is a kind of a fall video remember I glued a blade but as you blew it and with the steel wool you tend to dull it now I know this maybe this is the knife small very short but this is awesome carving knife by the way I know for some of you this is going to be quite boring because you'll be hearing the same things again I mean I have several several sharpening videos already I even deleted quite a few because I found I had too many but I have no choice to repeat some stuff just because someone new maybe looking and you know to try and reduce as many questions as I can well I try and say everything so what I'm using here are Japanese water stones why I like Japanese water stones more than all the other stones that exists I'm not saying go out and buy water stones okay I'm just explaining my my personal preference again one the water stone will take just enough steel off your knife to bring it sharp okay some other stones will take too much steel off for nothing for no reason but this one doesn't also you're playing with water which is clean and fun you can do it in the house it's not a mess it's not like oil and thirdly if you're the kind of person who likes to polish your bevels like a mirror polisher you can do it with this the type of stone using now is a two sided stone this is a thousand grit and the one under is six thousand and I've got the Nagar stone that works with the six thousand as a lubricant okay we'll leave that in water so the Scandi grind this is a scanning grind and with no secondary bevel is not probably what is the easiest to sharpen why because it's the easiest to find the right angle okay on the blade which is the most important when you sharpen any blades is to get the right angle if you don't get the right angle you're going to be sharpening forever and still stay dull so this is why it's very easy now what you want to do when you begin you see that space there that leaves I usually put three fingers here my thumb in the back and my little pinky here on the side on the tip of me you want to go in and as you get to the tip you need to lift up a little bit to get the right angle lift up from here okay this is moving which is not good there's a water under it but anyway you get the point of this you do the same thing on the other side now if you're not comfortable with your left hand you can use your right hand and come back towards you like this but I don't mind doing it with my left hand again you get the right angle and you do even strokes but when you get used to it and you won't have to go a little faster and do it a different way you want to work on three angles your straight edge your belly and your tip so what you do is you push and you pull back Hey but right now I'm working on the straight edge

if I want to work on the belly I'll tilt my knife a little bit get the belly done and just tilt a little bit more to get the point now I gotta bring it back up a little bit here okay get the right angle now this takes practice and don't get discouraged and once you're used to it well you don't need to stop you just go ahead and do it now you don't want to go too much this way because you want to keep the same angle of the belly here go too much this way you'll change the angle of your belly and you don't want that okay do the other side get the right angle you're not sure you stop get the right angle again see I know just by the sound of it well you'll get used to it anyway by the sound of it how much it needed it especially on this part here this is where it was the most dull or dullest I can say it that way so you just continue this way until you're satisfied now this is a thousand grit so you make sure it's already scary sharp don't stop doing this one until it's scary sharp before you go and polish it up because that's not gonna fix the problems this one can fix

okay so I'm satisfied with my thousand grit

I didn't need to wasn't it really a big job excuse me it's already really sharp and I'm not gonna polish it so it's nice mirror I'm going to leave these sharpening marks because I think it gives a character and of course when you do start if you want you can use a sharpie and just darken that the bevel edge that way you'll know that you have the right angle there's a sharp he's gonna come off just a little tip so go on the other side here on the 6000 you just wanna Gert agura stall just lubricate a little bit go finish her off that way it won't need much that should do quite the trick but one side now nagar stone is not just a duplicate but all this black is steel that's stuck in the stone and you want to take that off because it doesn't sharpen you know the pores the pores is what makes the steel cut off so you wanna take all that off stone clean and do the other side and you don't put tons of pressure let the stone do its job

and then your final work now this is at home obviously I wouldn't bring this big thing in the field a different stuff for that but after this just a little stropping and it should be sharp enough okay so my last thing just to give it a little straw take off any boroughs I've got videos on this if you're wondering what just drop it is and compound and stuff so this so it looks like now

see it did that's what's cool about the did polish it if I would have continued at what could have brought it mirror polish but I don't want I like the little marks so give it a little strop here


here don't wipe it on your t-shirt camera angle is not picking it up I guess but it's hard to get you know anyway okay this is this is this let's get I want to phone one of you guys let's just okay that's only HAMP's you may not like my phone call ye gosh hey that's sharp I just drop it so this is your 101 sharpening at home thanks for watching



About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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