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Damp Humid Overnight In The Wilderness


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Music: Youtube Audiolibrary....Castleshire

Tags: overnight,wilderness,woods,outdoors,camp fire,camping,forest,wildlife,must see,fun,amazing,awesome,best,greatest

Video Transcription

okay quick overnight it's hot humid lots of bugs probably soon and some storms so should be interesting [Music]

it's hot oh I got I got the though the woodsman the guitar woodsman hey that's what we'll call Paul the guitar would okay so we're pretty much all set up we need tents Paul's got his tent I got my tent our cooking area we're not cooking area but fire area is done we brought another tarp in case it rained so we're pretty much all set we'll see if there's any storms tonight hopefully not the bugs are not so bad surprisingly it's going to be starting during gonna be mosquitoes for sure land get started here bud [Music]



yeah so everything was pretty wet as we got quite a few storms so it takes a little bit more time to prep what we got good now make sure you get some dry stuff if you can and then had already some pieces you can see they're cut already but they were under my bench which was not waterproof so they're a little bit wet but they'll dry up now the fire certainly not certainly not to keep us warm it'll be for light and to keep the mosquitoes away so we're gonna enjoy a nice nice quiet fire tonight with some beautiful music [Music]

okay so like everyone knows this is a balsam fir but the new growth on it is really nice and soft and great for a tea especially for vitamin C it's just full of it and it's so much easier to steep when you take the new growth than the old ones and of course you don't want to take everything from the same tree so we'll go to another tree and it's starting to rain there you go you mean simple pita bread cheese and handful impounded all right it's already on a hot rock by the way so it's heating up from behind or under I should say oh that's gonna be tough to roll there I guess you're gonna it's guy it's already melting so don't worry yeah once it's melted there we can take it all be that cheese melting there yeah looking good No

the ham is a cookin [Music]








my soul oh okay so we have a pretty good evening are able to saw two deer it was fun hearing some thunder in my background there but we're able to set up stuff started raining a little bit not enough to be able to set it set up everything and of course we're in tents this time because you know the mosquitoes and stuff but I'm surprised because the warrant that many black flies or even mosquitoes for that matter so we're pretty blessed good fire and a good meal and right now we're gonna have a good night's sleep so thank you for coming along and we will see you in the morning

supposed to be maybe 10 Celsius about 50 fahrenheit in the morning so there should be some pretty nice weather good night


it's beautiful yesterday I know why I bring my camera sometimes we just won't bring is there such a big dose [Music]

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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