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2 Days Enjoying The Wilderness


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Music: Youtube Audiolibrary....Sugar Pine by Wes Hutchinson

Tags: canoe camping,outdoors,wilderness,fishing,must see,canoeing,amazing,awesome,best,greatest

Video Transcription










I have to admit that today I've been skunked no fish no fish whatsoever and I guess it happens but it's still a beautiful night anyway we're out for a couple of days on this Lake here just to relax and enjoy ourselves and do a little bit of fishing and hopefully catch something not much of a sunset tonight it's clouds this lake has like tons of islands lots of rocks I was hoping that would be some pike and walleye but anyway I'm gonna continue fishing but there won't be much of a Sun set tonight maybe tomorrow night we'll see

oh no it's a little bass there you go not bad

there you go not a bad looking guy put it back in the water

thank you very much sir it's not a pike but still a fish right [Music]

well good morning it's about 3:30 right now little too early to go in the lake that's a nice goal so I figure why not keep this going and probably have it going pretty much all day if the bugs are not too bad [Applause]

whole bunch of pinecones might as well use them see the white stuff that's full resin so keep warm for won't go in the lake until five o'clock anyway good hour and 40 minutes so I have myself a few coffees it's a beautiful morning it's cold though it's it's seven degrees so I don't know 45 46 47 Fahrenheit not too sure pretty sure we'll have a nice sunrise hopefully [Applause]

really chilly though see me say kill me if I turn around hello I can see you can you see me over there can't see a thing too much mist I don't know where I'm going so I'm gonna wait a little bit maybe 10 15 minutes before I cast my line it's pretty cold though expecting too many bites because you know Pike walleye best or not they're like warm waters very cold morning so think I'm going to paddle to another Island and this miss can clear up when the Sun comes up back in the dark I gotta go that way so sorry folks my hands are freezing well it's not the morning I was expecting there's a breeze and it's pretty cold you know in Canada I know we're not in the mill Jim we're still at 11 or 12 or something but even in the middle of summer you can wake up tomorrow psyche this still or it's pretty cold especially on the lake with the breeze it must be 5 degrees Celsius right now which is not sure 45 maybe so right now I'm docked in the on the middle of the lake but there's lots of rocks there's no use going anywhere wait till the Sun comes out warm myself up a bit and I don't feel like casting and I don't feel like catching any fish because it's gonna be cold yeah jumped up a little bit rocks when I'm waiting for that Sun to come out lake is full of rocks the breeze is bringing me deeper in the lake I don't feel like going there just holding the camera it's cold enough so I'm jammed up here I brought this one cuz you know you can close it so if anything happens I am chilled good moring we're starting to see the Sun come up a bit but it's gonna come up in the cloud so it won't be warm until oh my gosh maybe 11 or 12 and it's only like five o'clock it doesn't get any warmer I'm out I am out come back later so let's see if we can't go can't see very well over there but we try and [Music]

paddle over there see if we can't settle a little bit better because right here in the middle it's cold hold on [Music]

beautiful sunny lake is still calm I'm trolling right now hopefully the water will get warm enough so I can get some bites if not well I'm just going to enjoy and soak in this beautiful scenery nice water time alone in the lake if anything pops up the camera for you guys I think I've found the island which I will survive for about one month it's got all the resources I'm pretty sure there's a lot of wild game what do you think I think I could make it yeah I'm pretty sure I couldn't make it sleep under that tree [Music]

I'm stuck in the rocks see Josh kidding I'm not stuck at all just taking a little break because well the winds picked up the water is getting a little choppy like these see if I can get my camera oh it doesn't show it all on camera but it's getting a little choppy and that's everywhere on the lake I'm just taking a break from paddling but in reality I can't see it there's another Island over that one I want to check out and we'll see now to get off of these rocks not good not good at all always have my survival island to come back to let's see if we can't turn from this lot of rocks here people yeah over there should be some good fishing to know you can see what you probably can't see it I can turn right there that's where we're heading hold on to your hats this is gonna be a bumpy ride

got some lovely rocks everywhere here so try and pass and go through this not editing this if you guys still there that's cool with me okay oh come on son you got to come back out can't see the rocks so now the wind is pushing

like this I saw it the last minute no no no no no not this way not this way don't do that with a canoe people because you'll really end up in that Island see the sun's gone zone right now I shall go very slowly okay left or right of that rock you guys tell me left or right okay I'll go left oh my goodness I think you made it did we eat

okay we're scot-free let's just mosey on down to that Island over there maybe we'll take a break can I say this was the end of the video anyway let's just get to fish this I don't like fishing choppy water as much that's because you gotta concentrate too much on this [Music]

all right here whoa hey that's a perfect perfect landing okay let's get this canoe out of the water because these little waves will be slamming the canoe against the rocks that you don't want that oh okay [Music]


nice little place it's just gonna be a little sporty going back because it's 125 waters will be like that until Oh six seven eight o'clock tonight so but I've got a nice little plate just to relax a little bit of water maybe have a snooze not too long because you don't want to get burnt up in the Sun and I don't want to go smooth in there oh I even have a nice little birch tree there sit and I could probably do some fishing we shall see or maybe this will be really the end of the video



so this is what I'm looking at right now as I'm lying on my back I know just clouds but beautiful Sun is nice yeah I don't want to fall asleep here because I look like a lobster [Applause]

okay so getting late and well another day no fish it happens but now is the Battle of the head wind pushing this way so esashi gonna be a head wind gonna be like a side wind kind of thing which is even worse cuz I gotta go of that direction [Music]


anyway it'll be a pad see little bit now when you're battling a 45 degree hitman I can say it that way or any headman if you stop five seconds you go down and we can't stop we are naming that island blue there

it's always more than you think you can get to that first island stop

this is truly the end of this video [Music]




About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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