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Best Way Of Cooking Steak Without/Pan/Grill/Cold Hike & Cook


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Camera I use : https://amzn.to/2x3csWl

Cast Iron Skillet : https://amzn.to/2Q0mm3u

Snugpack Sleeper Lite Sleeping Bag: https://amzn.to/2QUf1Dm

Snugpack Basecamp Air Mat: https://amzn.to/2CjZmrW


Karrimor Sabre 45 Pack: https://amzn.to/2QNj4Bj

5.11 Rush 12 : https://amzn.to/2P52Imo

Max. Condor 2: https://amzn.to/2OqMt5G

Reflective blanket: https://amzn.to/2QkPfH5

UCO Lantern: https://amzn.to/2IuuLZC

UCO Candles: https://amzn.to/2RbdLvD

Firebox Stove: https://amzn.to/2Ol25Id

Firebox Nano: https://amzn.to/2QhzYa3

Trangia Alchool Stove: https://amzn.to/2DJEKvI

Trangia 0.5 liters Alchool Bottle: https://amzn.to/2DJqrat

GSI Kettle


Kupilka large cup


Scandinavian Forest Axe


Wildlife Hatchet


Coghlan's Pack Grill


Agawa Canyon BOREAL 21

(Bucksaw) with Crazy Horse Leather Sheath


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OLIGHT H1R Nova 600 Lumens Rechargeable LED Headlamp:


Music: Youtube Audiolibrary....Sugar Pines

Tags: Gods Glory,Jesus Lord Saviour,cooking steak,best way,cold hike,adventure,axe,bushcraft knife,open fire cooking,best,hiking,bushcraft,forest,fun,woods,greatest,amazing,delicious,wood prep,snow

Video Transcription

so this is going to be a cold one so let's head into the woods and try and stay warm



so it's a beautiful autumn day fall day a little colder out of the woods because of the wind but it's pretty cool a little bit of snow I actually went shopping yesterday at the dollar store and that's where I got these kneepads for a buck 25 or something now they're lightweight they're very comfortable I don't know how long it's gonna last but I'm trying them out just because my knees cannot handle wet cold hard ground anymore so this should help I also got some fire starter that I want to show you that's cheap to buy and you could you know leaving your emergency kits and stuff I also got this hat not too not too bad is it 100% acrylic it's nice and warm and the reason why I got this hat is that I had a good hat north face or a toque but last year something happened and I burnt it actually I'm going to leave the video you know at the end of this one me and Josie are camping in the middle of winter time just under a tarp and something happened to my hat and was pretty funny actually so if you didn't see that I recommend that you check it out yeah but that's why I got this one a dollar a doll or something so if it happens again it won't really matter I'll just go get another one at that price right [Laughter]

so sometimes instead of doing all kinds of feather sticks I just get lazy and just get my chips of wood just using my small hatchet here take my time and you get different sizes different thinness and all that good stuff so [Applause]




okay so this is what I was talking to you about I know you've probably seen it's it's it's not new is its new to me cuz I don't look much for these things but it was really useful I know anyway my last canoe trip I was given this I mean four pieces and they came very useful they're very lightweight and they burn quite a long time especially when you know everything's wet and you're lazy in it you need to get a fire going I actually used all four on my canoe trip and in this package there's four times three twelve and it's a hundred percent sawdust and wax so not rocket science but it does work just try and open the package and you just use one piece like this side so that's all it is really and see the wax at the top mostly and just a piece like this will get my fire going even though I got fat pieces it's fine okay so all I need to do is light up the edge here if the wind cooperates and even though I have fat pieces of wood it's still good I knew the wind would give me some problems

this usually lights up walk quicker than this

and it smells good too so if the wind doesn't put it out like this okay challenge challenge like a challenge where's the wind coming from seriously

okay if the wind doesn't mess this up I should be okay burns plenty long to get your wood going see once it goes of course I could have maybe broke it in two or something but now it's all good ah remember when you hear cracking it's good news that means your fire is going the wood is caught there's a pretty good job so anyway now I'm going to put some of these in in my fire kit it's always very useful these here are a little wet and frozen so it gives you a chance and [Applause]

the wind is on my side that's good but too much of it is not good [Applause]

so as I'm waiting for this water to boil up for a coffee I was actually planning a pretty cool canoe trip one last canoe trip I wanted to be on the water one last time before winter so I checked out this place I've never been before and I made all the plans where I would be going and portage and all that stuff and then I phoned and it's not too far it's about three and a half hours north of here and you know what the guy said he said I'm sorry but we already have a foot of snow so I guess the canoe is finito for this year old right oh yeah I was a little bummed about that but what can you do they're actually already getting ready for the ski-doo season so and I told him okay well I'll use the ski-doo to go canoeing and he didn't want that so yeah I guess winter is gonna hit early this year and probably hit hard to guys like my seat yeah doesn't look too comfortable

a frozen wet rock hey you know what because of my wool hoodie that goes right down and covers my behind I don't feel a thing [Applause]



I had to change my my seat I was sitting there and the predominant winds are too strong as far was blowing in my face hopefully it won't change sides and yes thank you playing I want you to pass every time I make a video chairs you know coffee is always great in the woods but when it's a little chilly like today

it gets the spot [Applause]


so we are going to be cooking a steak today the best way I know how you know many times we figure out to try and fight in some ways because I really dislike doing dishes especially when it's this cold so if I can forget the dishes I'll try and find a simple way I've shown this only once I think in the video but all you need is a firm nice and strong Y stick and wide enough make sure that it's wet enough to fit your your steak okay so for example if I take this alright Florin in a burro [Applause]

and if you think that if you think that this is not strong enough here just put a little another why branch or log to make sure that you don't drop your stake there like that should be good okay you can't see it buddy just put a piece up I'll put this right at the base of the why so it wouldn't go any further so then take your stake and please don't mind my hands okay you put your stake all through on the widest part just so it's about in the middle just about and all you need to do is put it on your why branch and make sure it's wide enough so the state can cook that way there's no dishes just cleaning your hands and it's quick effective and what can I say awesome this way it's very adjustable if I see that it's too close to the flames I bring this up I bring this piece closer and boom if my fire is going down I bring it down to where I want boom no work at all hardly now it's just a slowly wait you don't want to be too much in a rush until that steak is perfectly cooked

won't be needing these any longer they actually did the job quite well just a Velcro nothing fancy

yeah got a few Nick's a little bit you know but

all right whoo that looks like a juicy steak you see that okay so it's not just a great way of cooking it but you don't need any utensils ha thank you Jesus for this meal

medium perfectly done yeah


okay so anyway I hope you enjoyed this little hike and cook I'm doing something else actually I'm not just here for this video so I said why not shoot one and it actually went well so anyway you guys are the best love you guys thank you for your continued support and all the ways possible

it's truly appreciated and I'm gonna say it as much as I can until your ears hurt because I really mean it you've given me a boost your words donations gifts praise God for you but don't forget to go out and enjoy the wilderness this is Mike from bushcraft partners bye


About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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