Building A Survival Shelter


In this video I am building a survival shelter with a tarp.



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Hello my name is Lilly and I am making videos about primitive living skills, survival, bushcraft, camping gear and prepping. I consider myself being a modern hunter-gatherer who wants to live as close as possible with mother nature and right now I am in the process of learning how to live off the land and thrive in the wilderness. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly

Tags: Shelter building,Überleben,unterkunft,Tarp,bug out camp,Survival,Lilly,italian mountain rucksack,wool blanket,Survivaltraining,unterkunft bauen,survival bed,alonewolverine1984,waterproof,Shelter,camp,A Frame Shelter,david canterbury,North Survival,Poncho,semi permanent shelter,emergency shelter,camping,building a survival shelter

Video Transcription

hey guys I think I just found the perfect spot for a survival shelter so up here there's a huge spruce tree which has thick branches and they are going to protect me from the rain and down here on the ground there's a thick layer of spruce needles and this is very important because you want to have a good bedding and insulation the cold ground is going to suck the heat out of your body so I think this is a perfect spot the needles are fairly dry okay I gotta leave my rucksack here just take my hand my hand folding saw with me and I gotta go for some shelter building materials

okay let's go okay feels a little bit itchy but the spruce boughs do a good job on the insulation

okay now it's time to take out the top so this is how my survival shelter turned out I think it turned out pretty good at first I didn't want to take out the top because I wanted to make a survival shelter with natural materials only but then I decided to take this top out because I was running out of time and the choice was not too bad because you know this tarp has this aluminum foil inside and this is what reflects your own body heat and if you manage to get a little fire out here you know it would reflect the heat of the fire as well so this is a video response to North survival 30,000 subscribers challenge 30,000 that's amazing thank you very much for having your channel on YouTube your channel is one of my favorites so thank you for putting out opportunity this challenge this is when my video response stay safe all the best to you and stay tuned till next time

About the Author

Survival Lilly

Survival Lilly

Survival Lilly is a true passionate bushcraft girl! She likes spending a lot of time in nature practicing survival and bushcraft skills. Her YouTube channel is very interesting as she publishes new videos often and also test out survival and outdoor gear to find the best items you can have in your survival or camping rucksack, and the video quality and photography is always excellent.

You can find all her videos on her YouTube channel.

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